How we help

Physiotherapy As Your Health Partner



In a typical rehabilitation effort, the physiotherapist is usually one of the members of a multi-disciplinary team:


Your team of healthcare providers can include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, nutritionists, social workers, doctors and physicians and therapy assistants and, last but not least, your family members and care-givers. As a member of this team, we work closely with other team members so that we are able to provide physiotherapy treatments that are comprehensive and balanced.




Optimum recovery within the shortest time span, that’s our aim. It is critical to commence therapy early, best if it is within the acute-healing time, for highest possible treatment efficacy. It also minimises the risk of complications and helps you regain, or even outperform, your prior physical state.



No two patients are identical, and your treatment programme has to be one that is tailored to your condition. A typical treatment programme starts with an initial assessment and entails continual re-assessments. It is often a combination of the following:


1. Patient Education

You will be educated on the pathology, the mechanical and/or physiological principles underlying the treatment. We will explain to you the benefits of the treatment(s), as well as any potential dangers or contra-indications of inappropriate treatment(s).


2. Exercise Prescription

We will prescribe gym-based and/or home-based exercises that are suitable for you. Your active participation is essential and, of course, this works best with family help and support. Some of these exercises include stretching, strengthening, core-stability training and agility training, involving various disciplines such as Pilates and yoga.


3. Manual Techniques

A series of manual techniques will be applied for joint mobilization, joint manipulation, soft tissue mobilization and soft tissue massage.


4. Common Adjuncts

To enhance treatment efficacy, you may be put on electro-therapeutic modalities involving shortwave diathermy, ultrasound and interferential therapy, and/or mechanical treatments that make use of cervical traction and lumbar traction.


You could be seeking treatment for the first time, or treatments that require a certain period of commitment. Whether as a pain reliever, mobilizer or health advisor, we will be there for you.